Saturday, 31 May 2014

22 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Mahlia: She loves daddy picking her up from school. I tend to get a very disappointed look when she sees me waiting for her. They stopped off in Terrigal on their way home for some Daddy-Mahlia time. She wouldn't ride her bike, but had a go on daddy's skateboard, to practice for snowboarding. We are off to the snow again in July - our first family-of-five holiday! We had some Mummy-Mahlia time today, and went for a run together - she's a good training partner!

Leila: We went to the Avoca Markets on Sunday. At first it was just Leila, Archer and I, and we had a lovely time wandering around. She had her handbag and purse, with a few coins, and went shopping. She selected some new hair accessories. Last time she had her face painted she chose a spider, this time a whale. I love her uniqueness! Daddy and Mahlia joined us, Mahlia having found her belly dancing outfit! Poor Leila was sick yesterday. I hate seeing her ill, but I do love the opportunity for long cuddles - a rarity, as normally she won't sit still for 5 seconds. She was back to her usual self today, and, for some reason, on her best behaviour!

Archer: This little man got the all-clear from the paediatrician this week after his virus when he was 2-weeks old, as we knew he would. He was mesmerised by the grass here in Terrigal. We've been trying new foods with him this week, including pear, carrot and broccoli, and rice cereal. He's not really impressed with anything other than his mummy's milk. He's also just starting to sit up by himself, albeit for just a few seconds! And he turned 6 months this week. I can't quite get my head around the fact we are now on the count down to his first birthday, when he's still my little newborn in my eyes. It's funny how things change with the third and last. With Mahlia, I couldn't wait to hit the milestones, and I remember starting solids at four months. This time, with Archer, I just want everything to slow right down, and I've been putting off the solids. I love this age, the interactions and the joy he radiates.

Joining in the 52 Project with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

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