A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.
Mahlia: This week has been unseasonably warm, and we've spent much of it at the beach. Our once quiet, shy little girl has blossomed into a confident, social little butterfly. Playing with old friends, or easily making new ones, she's enjoyed the many salty play days.
Leila: Just before a spectacular sunset, this little one has no problem with shyness. She approaches kids and asks their names, and joins in with the big kids. And she is currently obsessed with car models – she names them all from Holdens to Subarus, and Hyundais to Mitsubishis.
Archer: I love waking up to these smiles. We co-sleep for most of the night. He had his first taste of sand today, literally, and didn't mind it a bit. He also had a go in the jolly jumper this week, which he absolutely loved, as did Mahlia, who stayed very close to 'help' him.
Joining in the 52 Project with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
beautiful smiles this week!