Saturday, 20 September 2014

38 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

We had a trip to the zoo this week, with my sister-in-law and her three kids. The cousins all had such a great time, and the only drama had was a thieving bush turkey stealing our lunch!

Mahlia: We have finally made a decision regarding Mahlia's schooling next week. We have put in an application for her to attend the local Steiner school. It should be a smooth transition from Montessori, and she already has a couple of friends there. I can't believe she is starting school next year.

Leila: Having a 'swim' at the zoo, as you do! She was so enthralled by all the animals at the zoo. She was always the last one at each enclosure, watching and screaming with glee when the animal came close. Lions and tigers were the top of her 'must-see' list, but all of the animals were her favourite.

Archer: Another cough and cold this week, but he still enjoyed the zoo and the animals. I can't wait to take him again when he's older. He is shuffling around on his bottom, and trying to crawl but it is hard on our floor boards. No rush little man.

Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos, I couldn't go bast your beauty with the blue background in the link up. I hope Archer is feeling better soon. So happy to have found your blog through the link up. x
