Saturday, 23 August 2014

34 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Mahlia: She came home from preschool on Monday with conjunctivitis, and had the rest of the week off. I've enjoyed having her around but it's been strange not having Leila here too. It's been a very wet week, but whenever the sun broke through the clouds we hastily escaped outdoors to burn some energy.

Leila: She came home from her morning at preschool on Monday feeling unwell, and went to my bed for a sleep (I can count the number of day time sleeps she's had since she turned 2 on one hand, so I knew she was unwell). When she woke, she vomited everywhere, the poor thing. She went to bed that night and woke the next morning as if nothing had happened, so off she went to school! Today we went on a bush walk, armed with umbrellas for the inevitable rain. The girls ran and splashed in the puddles, and Leila fell over numerous times.

Archer: His first swimming lesson started with some trepidation, but soon his little legs were kicking away. He loved it. We celebrated with a rare lunch out after, followed by a long afternoon sleep for him after all the splashing! Another tooth emerging and now suffering from conjunctivitis himself, he's had a rough week but is still smiling.

Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

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