Saturday, 5 April 2014

14 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Mahlia: She's been missing her daddy recently, so he took her for a walk to the beach after school. Those two have a very special relationship, she is definitely a daddy's girl.

Leila: We celebrated her party on Sunday, read all about it here. Here she is with her best friend Maeve. They are so sweet together. It's been a big week for her this week, beginning with her party, and the next day she started Montessori! She goes three mornings a week and absolutely loves it. She showed her defiance on day one, and wouldn't leave the sand pit! Mahlia guided her and the director sent me a photo of them working side-by-side. A couple of photos below.

Archer: I have him all to myself for three mornings now! 4 1/2 months now. I intend to savour every moment, as he is growing way too fast! He has moved out of our room this week and into his cot, and when he wakes in the night I bring him into bed with me. He looks at me in the early morning light and gives me the biggest of smiles. It melts my heart.

Hubby and I had morning tea in Terrigal after dropping the girls off at Montessori on Leila's first day. I could've done with something a bit stronger than a chai latte as I was a bit emotional.

 Joining in with Jodi at Practicing Simplicity.


  1. what a cute trio - and a big transition to school too for your middle. it really surprises you, doesnt it, when they start to step out like that! i'm feeling the same too. enjoy those 3 quiet mornings w Archer (love that name!)

  2. The joy on your daughter's face in that first picture is contagious! You have adorable children.
