A little late, but here we go!
All the kids were given binoculars to go on 'safari' to find some animals!

There was a little quiz on the animals with chocolate prizes. Then hubby made balloon giraffes for all the kids—a nightmare as they kept popping and he needed to keep making more!
The cake! I kept the decorating simple, with homemade bunting and a figurine.
It was meant to be zebra stripes inside—close enough!
I didn't get a photo of the party bags, but they were animal print bags with a chocolate; an animal texta or crayon; a balloon; some bubbles; and some stickers!
And finally, the lucky girl with her beautiful gifts!
When I asked Mahlia what theme she'd like for her birthday party, she asked for animals such as elephants, zebras and giraffes. So a safari party it was! After gathering ideas from the net, I think I met Mahlia's brief! She was very happy with it, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters! She wanted it at the same place as last year's Enchanted Fairy and Gnome Party—a perfect spot as it's safe for kids to run off all the sugar!
The invites were a passport design from the Etsy store PaperBuiltShop, and they looked brilliant—everyone loved them! This was Leila's invite to the party, so it's not in the best condition!
As I was due to give birth 3 weeks after her party, I had planned to keep it simple and low-key, but we ended up with quite a few kids, about 20, and their parents. It was afternoon tea, so I didn't need to provide too much food. Here are the photos!
All the kids were given binoculars to go on 'safari' to find some animals!
Food included Hungry Hippo Dip (Spinach Cob dip); Cheese and Pineapple Porcupines; Cupcakes in animal print cases; Jungle fruit cups; Flamingo Fairy Bread; Cheetah chips and more that I can't remember!
There was a little quiz on the animals with chocolate prizes. Then hubby made balloon giraffes for all the kids—a nightmare as they kept popping and he needed to keep making more!
The cake! I kept the decorating simple, with homemade bunting and a figurine.
It was meant to be zebra stripes inside—close enough!
I didn't get a photo of the party bags, but they were animal print bags with a chocolate; an animal texta or crayon; a balloon; some bubbles; and some stickers!
And finally, the lucky girl with her beautiful gifts!
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