Saturday, 19 July 2014

29 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Mahlia: LOVING the snow. We had one snowboarding lesson, and she was a natural. Daddy took her out a few more times and she picked it up so quickly. She didn't want to leave.

Leila: Leila's main aim of the trip was to make a snowman (see more photos below). She wasn't as keen on tobogganing this year, as they kept spinning around, but she settled for just sliding down on her bottom or tummy. She also enjoyed a trip up on the chair lift with daddy and a hot chocolate up the mountain.

Archer: Snowflakes on his eyelashes and icy cold cheeks, he just happily went along with all our little adventures (apart from the long drives there and back!).

Joining in with Jodi from Practising Simplicity

Unscheduled stop at the Big Merino

Sitting on an emu, as you do


View from our house

The snowman with bushy eyebrows

 Daddy found a friend when out snowboarding!

Yummy Brazilian BBQ dinner out - they served 16 different varieties of meat so Leila was in heaven!

Archer after his first toboggan ride.

Hubby thought he'd spray my with snow when we went skiing/snowboarding together. I thought we were going to crash into each other, panicked, stacked, and now have a suspected torn meniscus, hence carrying me to the car.

This happened on the day we were leaving!

We plan on making this a yearly trip. We all had so much fun.

28 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

A late afternoon walk around the rocks at Terrigal Haven, watching daddy out on the paddle board.

Mahlia: Growing in confidence, climbing higher. She has a tendency to say I can't before giving it a go,  or whilst she is actually doing it, something both we, and her teachers, are trying to overcome. She's getting there and learning some things take practice.

Leila: Desperate to keep up with her sister, and climb just as high, if not higher. On the rope climbing frames she swings and climbs like a monkey, while I'm cringing and trying not to hover and make my fear of her falling, her fear.

Archer: Two teeth have popped through together! His little tongue is going overtime as he explores the new sensation and his clothes are soggy with dribble. He is such a happy little man, laughing at both his sisters' antics and the dogs. 

Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

27 – 52

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Mahlia: So grown up, and BIG! She went off and cleared up in the kitchen this afternoon without anyone asking her to. She's a keeper.

Leila: Walking the dogs at sunset. Bella is very cautious to say the least when Leila walks her, to the point where Bella somehow escaped her harness. I turned around to see Leila with just a lead and no dog! Bella was hiding behind me.

Archer: My handsome little man has come down with another cold, but he still smiles through it all. I think the elusive tooth is also causing him some grievances, the poor thing. Extra cuddles in bed with me. We had a picnic at Terrigal last Sunday before hubby headed off to uni for a few nights. There was a blustering cold wind, but we managed to find a sheltered spot where we lazed in the sun together for a couple of hours before we headed back to reality. Archer has just enjoyed some avocado sandwich here, the remnants left on his chin.

Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.