Saturday, 27 April 2013


A portrait of my girls, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Mahlia: Hubby dropped us off at the beach one evening with the dogs before heading off to teach yoga. I told her not to get wet as we had to walk home. That made it even more exciting chasing the waves. The lure was too much, and she was dripping but didn't complain on the walk back.

Leila: Watching her sister, contemplating joining her in the shallows, but decided to continue hunting for shells. I unintentionally left the dog's leads in the car and faced the walk home with the girls and the dogs loose. Luckily they were so tired after playing on the beach the dogs heeled all the way home.

Joining in with Jodi at Che & Fidel. A stand-out for me from last week was the frolicking in the autumn leaves over at oscarlucinda.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


A portrait of my girls, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Mahlia: Wearing her new sunnies, and she looks so grown up. It scares me! Where is my 4-year-old?

Leila: Standing atop the hill, planning her route down. There were tumbles and giggles, and when she saw the 'big boys' rolling down the hill, she just had to join in. No fear this one.

A standout favourite from last week has to be the lovely Lamb and her gorgeous, brand new little brother Fox.

As always, joining in with Jodi at Che & Fidel!

Sunday, 14 April 2013


A portrait of my girls, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Mahlia: She picked up a selection of balloons that we had left over, all of different sizes, and named them mummy, daddy, big sister and the baby in order of size. So we got creative and added faces and hair! Unfortunately the daddy's head shrivelled up slightly the next day!

Leila: We headed to Toowoon Bay for a family day at the beach before daddy headed off to uni for a week. Leila is standing in a hole, which Mahlia then started burying her in. She stood in her hole how ages!

A favourite from last week is Chloe's delicate touch over at Forever Lovely.

Joining in with the lovely Jodi at Che & Fidel!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

6 years ago I got very lucky x

It is our 6-year wedding anniversary today. We have had our fair share of ups and downs over the years. The ups obviously include our beautiful girls, we've been fortunate to travel frequently, we have a lovely home and we have each other. We've faced many challenges—hubby had a kidney transplant when Leila was 8 weeks old, and I made the decision to leave my full-time job in order to spend more time with the girls, and therefore we sacrificed our main income and have been in a pretty unstable financial state.

We still have our worries and stresses but I know we will still be going strong until we are old and wrinkly.

We celebrated by walking to our local restaurant with a view, The Cowrie in Terrigal, just the two of us! We sat outside and enjoyed an amazing view and a delicious meal, and had a conversation without being interrupted with 'muuuummmmmmyyyy' 'daaaaaaadddddyyyy' every 2 seconds. It was good.

I love my man x

Photos by Delisser Photography.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


A portrait of my girls, once a week, every week, in 2013.

Mahlia: The skies cleared and we headed back to the beach. She enjoyed it from every angle possible. The girls were deliriously happy to be back and managed to bring half of the beach back home in their hair and Mahlia's left ear. 

Leila: The playroom was suspiciously quiet while I was making dinner. I cautiously popped my head around the door, wondering what mischief I was about to encounter. Instead I watched Leila reading. Mahlia would pass her another book once she completed the last. Mahlia set up her dollhouse in the sun's rays. If only it could always be this peaceful! She looks so grown up here.

A favourite image from last week would have to be of Advay over at The Art Side.

Joining in with the 52 Project over at Che & Fidel.